Fruit Slice and Dice

Love Poetry

Not love poems, but love quotes.

Play audio review
Good for:

Not actual poems, but reminders of the wonders of love.

How it works:

Open the app and a quote about love appears on the screen. Press Next for a different quote. 

Press Share on the left to send the quote to someone by Whatsapp or text message.

The good:

There are some wise and sensible quotes like, “When you fall for someone’s personality, everything about them becomes beautiful”, and “The best relationships are the ones based on friendships. Be friends first.”   

The bad:

The quotes don’t have attributions. It would be good to know who said these words. 

There are some spelling errors. For example, “Stay single until someone actually compliments your life…”, should be ‘complements’. 

Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 0.09

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 0.09

Review Date: 10 May 2023

Last Updated: 08 June 2023