Next Caltrain
Find out when the next train in California arrives
Planning travel time in California.
You’ll see the name of two stations, the one you’re currently at and your destination station. Press ‘1’ and ‘3’ to change your origin station, ‘4’ and ‘6’ to change your destination station.
Once you’ve set your stations, you’ll immediately see how long it’ll take for the next train to arrive. To see the full schedule for the day, press the mic button and a timetable will appear. To save your regular stations, select ‘Options’ on the bottom right, and ‘Save station defaults’.
The app is easy to use and will always display all stations, including ones that are only open on certain days.
It would be helpful if a tutorial showed up the first time Kobi opened the app!
File Size: 0
Works offline
Version Reviewed: 0
Review Date: 12 Jan 2023