Fruit Slice and Dice

Shopping List

Finally remember stuff to buy

Play audio review
Play audio review
Good for:

Those who keep forgetting to make lists on paper or find making lists on your phone’s notes apps a hassle 

How it works:

Beautifully! The app’s homepage shows a button, ‘Add New Item’. Select this and key in the item you want to buy. When you’re finished typing, select ‘Done’. The item will appear on the list in a yellow button. To add another item, simply click on ‘Add New Item’ again and key in another item, then click ‘Done’. If you want, you can remove the item by selecting it then clicking ‘Delete’ on the bottom left of the screen. 

You can move an item up or down in the list by clicking on the item, then selecting ‘Move’ at the bottom right of the screen.  

When you are shopping, you can go to an item on the list and click ‘Done’ when you’ve purchased it. The yellow button for that item will turn green and the item will be crossed out. If you’ve made a mistake, simply go to the crossed out item and click ‘Done’ again. The crossed out green item will turn yellow and the line through it will disappear. 

‘Options’ on the bottom left of the screen allows you to send the list to an email address (if you have not set up an email account, you will be prompted to set one up at this point). You can also choose to save it (it will be saved in your phone as a .txt file) or import a list from the files in your phone.   


The good:

The visual design of this app is gorgeously simple, with high contrast colours of white against black, with the yellow and green buttons, and clean, sharp font and perfectly sized buttons for the screen. Navigation was a breeze. 

The app’s function was stellar. Kobi is one of those aspirational list-makers, especially for groceries. So many times, I’ve gone to the supermarket and after leaving with 20 items, realised I forgot the item I originally went there to buy! Compared to having to type out lists on notes apps on the phones (ok but could be better) or writing items on paper (we all know need to save trees!), this app does its one job seamlessly and makes Kobi’s life (and cooking!) so much easier!

The bad:

Absolutely nothing. Kobi loves this app to bits!

Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 2.58

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 2.58

Review Date: 2 April 2022

Last Updated: 11 June 2022