Fruit Slice and Dice


Learn more than a word’s meanings and translations

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Good for:

Beginners to advanced learners who want to know more than the dictionary meaning of a word

How it works:

Kobi downloaded this app thinking it was a dictionary with a translation function. Boy was I wrong—it’s so much more!

There are a total of 24 languages available — with English and several European, Indian and Southeast Asia languages.

In each result, it gives a dictionary explanation, translations into a language I’ve chosen, noun and adjective uses, verbs and phrases and examples of sentences using the word. That’s not all. There’s also an audio track of the sentences, and even the Wikipedia entry for the word! And there’s more! In the main menu, clicking ‘Daily Highlights’ brings you to ‘Word of the Day’, which is explained with bilingual translations and usage examples. Another great menu item is ‘Articles’. This brings you to vocabulary quizzes, synonym games, conversation and tips.

The good:

There’s definitely a lot of helpful and engaging content here, which made me want to search and learn more!

The bad:

Nothing. 24 languages is honestly pretty good. It’s just that Kobi thinks every language on earth should have a spot in this great app!

Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size:

Works offline

Version Reviewed:

Review Date: 1 Dec 2021

Last Updated: 26 January 2022