Fruit Slice and Dice

Password Generator

Generate strong passwords

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Good for:

When you run out of password ideas

How it works:

You will see a column of settings: Password length, which allows you to key in the number of characters you need in your password; Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers and Symbols. These are all checkboxes that you can check or uncheck, depending on whether you want them in your password. When you are ready, press the ‘Generate password’ button and a new password will appear on top of the page. Highlight it and press the mic button to copy it.

The good:

The different settings allow you to customise your password, while still making strong combinations.

The bad:

The number of characters under ‘password length’ tends to change sometimes on its own halfway through generation!

Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 0.07

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 0.07

Review Date:

Last Updated: 17 April 2022