Fruit Slice and Dice

Spanish Verbs

Conjugations of Spanish verbs

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Good for:

Revising those regular and irregular Spanish verbs

How it works:

You type in the verb in the input field then hit the ‘Search’ button. To see the different tenses, press left and right of the navigational pad. Keying in base verb “saber” (to know) loaded a list of the conjugations, with the pronouns helpfully listed (Yo sé, sabes, Él, Ella, Ello sabe…). 

The good:

The neat and systematic layout was excellent and gave room for the eye to breathe rather than feel overwhelmed. There are 18 types of tenses listed for each verb. With such a comprehensive list, I’ll soon be able to watch my Spanish TV series without English subtitles! 

The bad:

Nothing. Love this app! 

Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 4.29

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 4.29

Review Date:

Last Updated: 26 July 2021