Fruit Slice and Dice


Information from all over the world in over 300 languages.

Play audio review
Play audio review
Good for:

Information from all over the world in over 300 languages.

How it works:

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopaedia written by volunteers around the world. 

‘Tips’ explain how to read an article, how to search for an article, how to switch between links, and what Wikipedia is. 

Go to ‘Settings’ to select your language for the entire app. You can also change each article’s language using the article’s menu. 

In the search bar, key in anything you want to know about. For example, ‘llungs’’ or ‘World War II’. 

A list of articles related to your search term will appear. Scroll through the list to see which articles are most relevant. 

To switch between links within an article, use the right and left of the mic button on your phone to choose a link within an article to read more about that topic. 

The good:

The design of the Wikipedia app is beautifully optimised for KaiOS devices. 

Text is clear and easy to read, in a comfortable font size to the eye. 

Each article has a menu bar at the top, with easily-navigable buttons to choose to see the content structure of the article, an image gallery, language options and sharing options by text or email. 

The content structure of the article is well-organised and clear on the KaiOS screen, with font that is easy to read. 

The image gallery has clear, attractive images which are clickable right and left. 

Kobi liked that he could choose to share interesting articles with his friends! 

The bad:


Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 1.49

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 1.49

Review Date: 15 Jan 2023

Last Updated: 10 April 2023