Fruit Slice and Dice


Learn how to read Japanese

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Good for:

Familiarising yourself with Japanese characters

How it works:

To use this app, you must have knowledge of the Japanese phonetic alphabet system, known as Kana. You’ll get to select different sets of alphabets in two different Kana: hiragana (used in combination with Japanese non-kana characters) and katakana (used for writing non-Japanese words in Japanese syllables). 

After selecting your Kana, you’ll be shown Japanese characters one by one, and you’ll have to enter the romaji (romanised pronunciation) for each character displayed. The character turns red when you get it wrong, and green when you get it right. If you’re stuck, you can pull up the alphabet chart by pressing the left button.

The good:

The app mixes the alphabet randomly when quizzing you, which trains you to remember the romaji for each character until you feel confident!

The bad:

If you’re looking to learn vocabulary and grammar, this app isn’t for you. It only trains you to pronounce hiragana and katakana.

Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 0.47

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 0.47

Review Date: 30 November 2021

Last Updated: 26 January 2022