Fruit Slice and Dice

Periodic Table

Learn about the chemical elements!

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Good for:

Students learning about the Periodic Table and its chemical elements.

How it works:

Navigate through the Periodic Table with the arrow keys. When you select a chemical element, the app will show the following information: the element’s standard state, atomic mass, electron configuration, oxidation state, electronegativity, atomic radius, ionisation energy, electron affinity, melting and boiling point, density, and year discovered.

The good:

Each element is colour-coded based on its classification, such as ‘alkali metals’ and ‘noble gases’, which is helpful in differentiating the categories of each element. The description of each element is also very helpful.

The bad:

You can’t zoom out to see the whole periodic table, which makes it difficult to navigate. It would be helpful to see an overview of the whole Periodic Table. The ‘Help’ section is a chunk of text so it’s difficult to read. Since transition metals have different colours, it would also be useful if the different colours were stated in the information sheet.

Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 0.38

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 0.38

Review Date: 2 Jan 2022

Last Updated: 28 January 2022