Fruit Slice and Dice

Unit Converter Pro

Convert numbers between different units of measurement

Play audio review
Play audio review
Good for:

Those who need to convert numbers between measurement units frequently

How it works:

Use the D-Pad to highlight the list of settings, and mic button to select them. There are three settings for you to change: the type of measurement unit, the unit you want to convert from, and then the unit you want to convert to.

Click on each of the settings and use the D-pad to scroll through the list of options. Then key in the number of the original unit into a text box below the three settings. The converted amount will immediately be displayed below the text box.

The good:

There aren’t any lags between conversion and you can select from a wide range of units and measurement types.

The bad:


Overall ratings
Works Well
Looks Good

File Size: 0.12

Works offline

Version Reviewed: 0.12

Review Date: 12 January 2023

Last Updated: 10 April 2023